
The Content Cloud tab (or Content Repository for our on-premise customers) is used for manually pulling content and media elements into your site. This is typically used to share optional content between multiple Drupal sites. Pulling content manually has several advantages, depending on your exact use case:

The pull behaviour is not influenced by how you push content. You can manually pull content whether it's been pushed automatically or manually- any combination is possible.


Once it is active it can be found on the new Tab Content Cloud (or Content Repository for our on-premise customers) on the content overview page in the administration area of your site.


Access content from your pools

Pools are used to divide content into different, logically separated content repositories. You can connect different sites to different pools and also configure different workflows per site per pool. You can for example create one Pool for media elements and one Pool for content or you can create one Pool for content for sites A and B and another Pool for content for sites A and C. You can create as many Pools as you like. In the example below we created one Pool Content - All and one Pool Content - Europe that our example site is connected to:


Every item in the list will provide it's type (like basic page or blog article), it's title, a rich preview and the published date. The preview of the content is 100% customizable through standard Drupal configuration. Your sitebuilders can create a standard "view type" for this that contains any information you want to see there like a text summary, title, links, categories, tags, images and so on. You can show as much or as little as you like to make the dashboard it as simple and effective as possible for your editors.

The published date will always show the most recent published version of the content.

Search by content type, title, preview and published date

With the filters above the content list you can search through any of the preview properties mentioned above to narrow down what you're looking for. As you can search through all of your custom previews, any information in there is also searchable by your editors! It's even possible to include information that is searchable without showing it so that it's easy to search but also easy on the eye.

Please note that we only show what you really need: if you're only using one pool, you won't see the Pool navigation and if you're only pulling one type of content, you won't see the content type filter.


You can sort by title (A => Z), title (Z => A) and published date (newest first) by either clicking on the Title or Published date column header:


Content Sync will always show you the total number of items that matched your search. Without any filter applied, it will show you the total number of items in the selected Pool. You can use the page links in the center of the screen to easily navigate backwards and forwards. Content Sync will show 10 content items per page.

Pull content

To pull an item into the current page, just use the Pull button on the right side of the list:

Once you have pulled the content, it will show up as Pulled with a link to view it at the current site:


If you are using our Cloud offering, your browser will talk directly to our Sync Core, providing responses within less than 50ms so that searching through your Content Cloud feels 100% realtime.