This is outdated.

We have launched Content Sync v2. If you are just starting out, please check out the official v2 documentation instead.

Export and Import settings

For each entity type bundle, you can individually configure the export and import behavior after enabling it:

For the export and the import the site builders are able to choose from the following configurations-


Export - Disabled

Entities will not be exported.

Export - All

Entities will automatically be exported to the configured pools whenever they're created or updated.

Export - Referenced

Entities will only be exported if they are referenced by another entity. Example use case:

Export Paragraphs and Taxonomy Terms only if they have been used within a Node that has been exported.

Export - Manually

The entity will only be exported if a content manager executes the "Push" action. Please check out the documentation here for a detailed explanation.


Import - Disabled

Entities will not be imported.

Import - All

Entities will automatically be imported from the pools whenever a remote site publishes an update or adds a new entity.

Import - Referenced

Entities will only be imported if they are referenced by another entity (see above).

Import - Manually

Enables you to use the Manual Import Dashboard to import entities.